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Short game practice drills to help improve your chipping around the green

Today we’re going to talk about club face control for your short game.

It’s going to help control your chipping and pitching around the greens.

Fergal is going to start by hitting a couple of shots, short game shots into a chipping net here while he’s trying to maintain that face, pointing at his target as long as possible.

Here at Providence Country Club, we work with a ton of members that tend to like to use their hands to help the ball in the air.

Typically, the most common problem we see with that is when people do that, they’ll hit it thin, maybe they’ll hit it chunky, but after contact, their face will be pointing left of the target.

So, a great way to practice is to choose an intermediate target.

Whether it’s a net at your short game area, or use a towel, or a golf bag and hit your chip shots into that net.

Once you get comfortable hitting toward the net and keeping your club face square through impact now try for a target on the green.

You’re chipping and pitching around the greens will improve and the end result a better short game that will help lower your scores.

Visit At the Range for more great golf tips.