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Tips to hit the perfect bump and run

The bump and run shots are important for every golfer to master. It’s a shot that we use here a lot of Bahia Beach due to our long greens. First of all, what’s a bump and run? The bump and run are a shot that runs more on the ground than it flies in the air.

The right club

Now, to the bump and run shot, we will need a specific club. We can’t have a club that has too much loft because it’s going to get that ball in the air. We want something that has less loft, so it rolls more on the ground. Right now, I have a nine iron which is there’s plenty of loft to get the ball up in the air, but not enough loft for the ball to get going and rolling.

A more consistent swing

Now for our swing thought for the bump and run shot, once we have all of our three setup keys, which is getting closer to the ball, ball position back, and weight forward, I want to make a swing where the club, arms, and chest are all working together.

For more excellent short-game tips visit Around the Green.

About Juan Sierra

Juan Sierra is from Puerto Rico. He is passionate about the game and teaching golf. In July 2016, Juan began his teaching career by becoming a TPI Instructor, in which he worked with golfers to strengthen their weaknesses for better performance in the game of golf.

Later that same year Juan enrolled in the Golf Academy of America in Orlando to gain more knowledge & teaching skills. Now, Juan is a teaching professional graduate from the GAA and a new member of the Little Linksters golf coaches.

Currently, Juan is a golf instructor at Bahia Beach Resort and Golf Club in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.